Women & Wealth

Manna Wealth Management for Women

We Simply Believe the empowerment of women is smart economics

We believe no matter who you are, no matter what you do, no matter where you are from, all roads eventually lead to one. At Manna Wealth Management, we believe in fashioning investment strategies that are responsive to every stage in a woman’s life. We believe investing in and empowering women enables the contributions women can offer in turn makes the world a better place.

Wealth Management for Women
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Women & Wealth

We believe no matter who you are, no matter what you do, no matter where you are from, all roads eventually lead to one. At Manna Wealth Management, we believe in fashioning investment strategies that are responsive to every stage in a woman’s life. We believe investing in and empowering women enables the contributions women can offer in turn makes the world a better place.

We Simply Believe the empowerment of women is smart economics

To achieve the economic expansion we all seek—we need to unlock a vital source of growth that can power our economies in the decades to come. That vital source of growth is women.



We see every woman who sits in front of us as someone’s mother or someone’s daughter, which makes our firm very personal and very real. That perspective sets the tone for the meeting from the beginning. We take the Golden Rule, ‘do unto others,’ and amplify that by the imagery of our own parents. The underlying foundation of Manna Wealth Management is built on love, trust, care and kindness. For over 50 years we lived by those values and it’s why we are so devoted to our clients. Traditionally, men have been the ones responsible for managing and achieving the long-term financial goals for their families. Due to this, many women grew up with the idea that someone else would do the planning for them. They took advice from fathers, brothers, and husbands. Although that may be okay, the goals of men and women tend to be different.

In our experience, many times for men the goal has to do with making an investment that will gain the highest return

“What I have found in conversations with hundreds of women is that for women, financial goals center around values and what they will be able to do with their money; not how much they will have at the end. Finding out how a woman values her money is key to helping her make the right investment decisions.”

David D. Kassir


My husband handles most of the finances, but I want to learn more. How do I begin?

It’s important that both spouses have a firm grasp of their family’s financial situation. Start with a conversation and begin attending all financial meetings together. Tell your advisor you’d like to learn more and be involved and included in all correspondence related to your finances. One-on-one discussions with your advisor will help jump start your efforts. There are countless resources available to you. Even if you are lacking in financial knowledge or experience, trust your instincts when dealing with advisors.

I’m concerned that I’ll end up reliant upon others. How can I put this concern to rest?

This is a common and legitimate concern. The first step to any problem is knowledge. Work with an advisor to learn about your situation and develop a financial plan. Part of this process will include a review of your budget and savings habits to determine any risks and opportunities. In addition, stress test your plan for ‘What If’ scenarios. These may include the pre-mature death of a spouse, divorce, or job loss. Once you understand the financial impacts of these situations, you’re better able to prepare. If your concern still persists, ask your advisor to introduce you to other women who have had similar concerns to learn more. Knowledge is power.

My advisor deals primarily with my husband, keeping me out of the loop. Is this normal?

A good advisor represents the interests of each spouse and communicates openly with both of you. Have a conversation with your advisor about your concerns and ask to be included in correspondence and all decisions. If you’re not taken seriously, it’s time to find a new advisor.

I’ve been passed over for promotions the last several years in favor of men. What should I do?

Discrimination in the workforce still persists. Legal action is always an option but there are also other solutions. First, document all of your responsibilities and accomplishments at your job. Schedule a meeting with your boss to ask for their feedback on your performance and role. Make your case for having a larger role in the company and higher compensation. With any job, be sure you’re committed to lifetime learning and developing your skill set. If the company can’t provide a clear roadmap for your career, meet with a career counselor or head hunter to consider other options. In the 21st century, the workforce rewards high performers; and employers are always looking for talent. Take control of your career, as your earnings potential is one of your most significant assets. We should all be fairly compensated for our efforts.

I need to review my 401k investment options but I’m embarrassed that I don’t know what to do. Help!

Don’t be embarrassed. It takes a lifetime of experience AND the appropriate investment tools to make sense of all of the investment options typically available to 401k participants. An investment professional will likely take several hours of research to make an informed decision. Talk to your financial advisor and have them assist. The advisor should be coordinating your 401k investment allocation with the entirety of your other assets and financial plan. Review your beneficiary designation, making sure it jives with your estate plan. If you have children under age 18, consider leaving assets to them via a trust. Manna Wealth Management can help to facilitate this!

My marriage is failing and divorce looks imminent. What do I do?

First, determine if salvaging the marriage is possible. If necessary, consult with a divorce attorney to learn more about the process of divorce. Although divorce is extremely emotional, the legal process is relatively structured. If you live in a ‘no-fault’ state, it doesn’t matter if there has been infidelity or neglect. Financially, meet with an advisor that specializes in working with divorcing clients. They will assist the attorney in structuring the divorce decree, helping to calculate the division of assets and income. During this process, you will want to get a handle on what your new budget would look like as you transition to single life. This too helps structure the divorce decree. An advisor will assist in determining appropriate amounts to spend on housing, savings, insurance, entertainment, etc. After the divorce, meet frequently with your advisor to review issues that develop and to update your financial plan. After 6-12 months, you’ll have a much clearer picture of how your new life and your finances are working.

My husband recently passed away. How do I deal with all of the finncial issues?

Losing a spouse is one of the most difficult things we face. It’s important to have peace of mind related to your finances so you can properly grieve and cope with other components of your life. A skilled advisor will meet with you a few weeks after your husband’s passing to handle a few critical issues. In this meeting, they will lay out a calendar of meetings over the following 6-12 months to deal with other action items. Consider incorporating adult children or a trusted family friend in the conversation to assist, as two sets of ears and eyes are better than one. Don’t hesitate to ask any and all questions or to ask for additional information. It’s important that you feel empowered and listened to as you learn to handle all of the financial decisions.

What is included in an Estate Plan?

Schedule a meeting with your financial advisor or estate planning attorney to review your estate documents. You should have two Powers of Attorney (POA) documents that operate if you are incapacitated: one will appoint an individual to make decisions for you related to financial issues and the other for medical issues. You will need a Will that determines the disposition of your assets at death. It’s common to have a Revocable Living Trust that operates with your Will. This trust helps avoid the Probate process at death, which is both a public record and a lengthy process. The Revocable Trust also has other benefits when leaving assets to children.

My husband takes more risk with our investments than I’m comfortable with. What can I do?

You should be communicating your concerns both to your husband and to your advisor. Have a meeting to specifically address this issue. The advisor can provide education and feedback that may ease your concerns. If not, the advisor should provide solutions and recommendations to both of you. If you’re still not comfortable with the result, get a second opinion.

How do I teach my children more about financial issues?

There is a wealth of knowledge and many programs available to assist kids in improving their financial literacy. For kids ages 10-14, Junior Achievement is an excellent resource to start with. They will provide resources and come speak at your children’s school if you coordinate with their teacher. For kids 14-18, look into programs available at their high school, as most schools now offer financial literacy classes. Along the way utilize an appropriate allowance to teach them how to handle money, save, and give to charity. Share with them the basics of your finances. Teach them how to write a check, what happens when you withdraw money from an ATM, and how your paystub has deductions for taxes and savings. Have a financial advisor consult with your adult children and teach them the basics related to budgeting, savings, insurance, taxes, etc.

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